Dear Teachers

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You will never know the impact you had on my life. I learned to spell, calculate, organize, analyze, and work on a team. My knowledge of anatomy, the life cycle, literature, and current events grew with every class. While I use that amazing knowledge every single day, these are the most important lessons I learned from you that were never on your lesson plans.

  1. Kind words are just as easy to say as harsh ones. Because of you, I am a more considerate person.
  2. We all have strengths and weaknesses. Acknowledge your flaws and embrace your beautiful strengths. Because of you, I grew, accepted myself, and learned to overcome adversity.
  3. It will pass. Whatever seems terrible today will seem a little bit less heavy tomorrow and the next day. Because of you, I kept going. I am strong because of you.
  4. Giving back to your community is essential. Because of you, I love my community and neighbors and will always help those in need.
  5. Mountains can be tackled one step and one rock at a time. Because of you, I focus on my successes rather than my failures and can tackle huge tasks without flinching.

Because of you, I am who I am. Now, as a parent, I watch my own child go to school with the same passion and love for education that I experienced. I watch him grow, learn, face adversity, hurt feelings, and disappointment. Because of you, he gets back up the next day ready to go again and prove what he can do.

There is not a single day that goes by that I do not think of you and the essential lessons you taught in your classrooms. I think of the behaviors you modeled. I knew of the sacrifices you made to make sure my papers were graded with specific feedback. I heard the kind words you used when you probably wanted to lob me across the room because I always asked so many questions.

When my world seemed to crumble on the outside, you kept me whole.

Every day, you are reaching students like me without even knowing the immensely huge impact you are having. Thank you. You’re incredible!


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