The Most Adopted Assessment Coordination Tool

Plan and coordinate all your state and local K-12 school assessments while keeping track of student accommodations, student testing history, and more.

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TestHound Helps Your School to:

Reduce Human Errors and Testing Irregularities

  • Automatically generate multiple accommodations reports to ensure each student receives proper testing accommodations.

  • Access the most current information from student information systems, as well as Special Education and English Language Learner programs.

  • Quickly scan testing materials into a secure, searchable database for real-time tracking and error-free materials control.

Efficiently Track and Manage Student Testing History

  • Easily verify that students have met assessment requirements for graduation with reports that illustrate completed and outstanding exams.

  • Manage exclusions and special provisions for students and automatically add re-testers to new testing sessions.

Save Time and Improve Efficiency with Automated Processes

  • Automatically generate state-mandated documentation such as materials control forms, room rosters, labels for test booklets, master schedules, and attendance forms.

  • Reclaim time to spend with students and gain peace of mind with efficiently and accurately coordinated assessments.

An Essential Tool for Accurate and Efficient Assessments

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What Some of Our Clients Are Saying

"The fact that we now have a checklist that our staff can access takes a lot of fear out of the evaluation process and reassures them that evaluations are done for professional growth. That's the best outcome of having a system like this for us."

Gabriella Stetz Jackson
Director of Professional Learning , Illinois

"Life, in terms of making the master schedule, was significantly chaotic. I feel like we were living in the Stone Ages and we've finally come out and seen the light!."

Bridgette Firstenberger
Associate Principal , Ohio

"The process that TestHound created saved our district hours upon hours of work. I would make budget cuts elsewhere to keep TestHound in my district. It frees up our testing coordinators so their time can be spent on what matters most, our students."

Christina Trotter
Director of Student Assessment , Texas

I just wanted to share a testimonial of just how much better TestHound made this week for us. Our JH CTC had a medical emergency this weekend and was not able to be here all week. (She will actually be out for the remainder of the year.) While she had everything ready for Monday and Tuesday, we still had plenty to do, as you know. Two of our other CTCs and I got together and figured everything out. If we didn't have TestHound, this process would have been so much more difficult. We were able to go straight to TestHound for accommodations, prior results, test forms, inventory, and just about anything else we needed to help us. As a matter of fact, because of the time saved with TestHound, we have everything boxed up and about ready to be shipped off. It has been a busy week no doubt, but there were so many positives...the campus and district support, me getting to experience being in a CTC position since I hadn't previously, and last, but certainly not least...TestHound!

Tiffany Carwell
Testing Coordinator, Westwood ISD

I saw TestHound Auto Pilot about three years ago at the testing conference. I was in love and begged the district to buy it, as I was doing all my accommodations by cutting and pasting spreadsheets. I was in a perpetual state of fear that I would lose an accommodation or student in all the cutting and pasting. I could not do testing without TestHound. It has truly revolutionized testing for me and made so many tasks quicker and easier than they ever were before.

Laura Osborne
District Testing Coordinator, Sealy ISD

Reducing errors and giving students and teachers the most comfortable and correct testing experience is very important to me. Testing should just be another day in a student and teacher's life and TestHound helps us to accomplish that goal.

Cheryl Villanueva
District Testing Coordinator, Godley ISD

With TestHound, we now have consistency across the district. TestHound helps new testing coordinators know exactly how to set up testing in a user friendly environment even if they are not “technologically savvy."

Courtney Clearfield
District Testing Coordinator, Garland ISD

I wouldn't be a DTC without TestHound! In DeSoto ISD, EAGLES SOAR through testing with TestHound.

Kathy Ferrell
District Testing Coordinator, De Soto ISD

TestHound was designed by educators who truly understand the demands of statewide testing. Therefore, it makes all DTC's and CTC's work more efficient and not harder.

Pam Brown
District Testing Coordinator, Lubbock Cooper ISD

Even my most reluctant CTCs have now come on board with TestHound, love it and won’t go back to their old way of doing things. It is a timesaver.

Lori Hart
District Testing Coordinator, Denton ISD

I think the biggest challenge facing most districts is the amount of time it takes to prepare for an assessment without a great tool like TestHound. The time TestHound saves CTCs is extraordinary. All the things that used to have to be done by hand can now be done by the TestHound system.

Amy Gilbert
District Testing Coordinator, Granbury ISD

TestHound staff are always responsive to our needs in a timely manner. The customer service is top notch.

Amy Dill
District Assessment Coordinator, Grapevine-Colleyville ISD

Before using TestHound, our district had a very high occurrence of test irregularities caused by the distribution of incorrect accommodations/test versions. TestHound has helped with this problem by becoming our CTC’s one-stop shop for accommodation information.

Crystal Glover
Testing Coordinator, Amarillo ISD

Implementing TestHound initially was a paradigm shift, but it is actually very easy to use and no one gives it a second thought now!

Donna Wallace
Testing Coordinator, Van ISD

Just wanted to tell you how we love the accommodations toolkit! For the first time in 10 years, we did not have any irregularities with accommodations!

Jennifer Price
Testing Coordinator, Keller ISD

Alief ISD chose TestHound because they were the only program that had the functionality that our district required to help our campuses be successful during each test administration at the local, state, and federal level. As with any new program implementation, there is always a certain level of concern with staff “buy in” or the newness of the program itself. Lara’s trainings made our staff feel comfortable and excited to start our new journey and now almost a year into having TestHound, we could not be any happier that we made the decision to go with TestHound for our various testing needs.

Daniel L. Scudder
Testing Coordinator, Alief ISD

I just gave the December EOC. TestHound made everything so easy! I love that I can scan my books to the box as they come in and it lets me know how many are still out. And when that number matches my absences - it's perfect! Being able to box up the used books at the end of the day is fantastic. I also love the reports. All my test administrators thought the combined test material control form and seating chart was great. Not having to sign so many pieces of paper first thing in the morning and after a long day of testing was wonderful for them! I can't wait for the other campuses to find out how much easier managing the tests will be. Thanks, TestHound, for such a great product!

Kristie Bennett
Testing Coordinator, Brownsboro ISD

TestHound has allowed our campus administrators to focus on students, student learning, and instruction in the classroom instead of focusing on the administrative tasks associated with testing. The amount of time our campus administrators and counselors have gained back as a result of using TestHound is astonishing.

Cyndy Mika
District Testing Coordinator, Little Elm ISD

I have already talked to other districts that do not use Test Hound and I tell them it is a life changer. TestHound makes inventory and testing so much easier and more accurate! I could not do without it!

Amy Gonzales
District Testing Coordinator, Frenship ISD

The price we pay for TestHound is worth every penny given the value and benefits to our testing coordinators and even our students. I think I might have to resign if they told me that I wasn't going to have TestHound! I truly wouldn't want to do my job without it.

Kathy Milton
Director of Accountability and Assessment, Royse City ISD

TestHound puts all of our data into a user-friendly framework so we don’t lose track of critical student information. I would take another job before I would do this job without TestHound. It would be like going backwards – like having an iPhone and then going back to a rotary phone.

Shannon Kuhrt
Director of Assessment, Wichita Falls ISD

TestHound is the best investment you could ever make to help reduce the workload and stress levels of your testing teams from district to campus level.

Jennifer Samuel
District Testing Coordinator , Texas

The process that TestHound created saved our district hours upon hours of work. I would make budget cuts elsewhere to keep TestHound in my district. It frees up our testing coordinators so their time can be spent on what matters most, our students.

Christina Trotter
Director of Student Assessment , Texas

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