Winston Bolen
Enterprise Support Analyst 2

- Graduate from Telfair County High School, McRae, Ga
- Art and Criminal Justice from Middle Georgia College, Cochran/Dublin, GA
- CISCO Network Specialist from Heart of Georgia Technical College, Dublin, GA
- Technical Management from DeVry University
- CompTIA Network + certification
Winston first joined the EAI team in 2016 after a career in corporate network IS/IT support. He has worked as help desk, Tier 1 support, and data integration on the TestHound product and now serves as Enterprise Support Analyst 2. A natural trouble-shooter in all aspects of life, he uses his technical and people skills to work with customers, the other support team members, and the development team to track down problems and find solutions. Winston has previously worked as a writer, photographer, and journalist with work published by the Associated Press. His artwork and illustrations have appeared in multiple comic books and on toy packaging.
Why Education Advanced?
"In my previous career in IT support, I had never considered working in Education. However, after joining EAI and witnessing my coworkers’ passion to help and serve, I realized that EdTech was a field in which I could excel. I thoroughly enjoy being able to provide support and solutions to our educators and having spent time in other industries, I can honestly say supporting educators is one of the most fulfilling jobs I've ever had. I fully believe the work we do ends up positively impacting students across the nation."
Outside of Work
Winston has worked for almost 20 years as a freelance artist, working professionally in the comic book world on the Transformers and G.I. Joe properties, among others. He can be found working a table, meeting fans, and selling his wares at comic and pop culture conventions like Dragon Con and BOTCON. Winston also performs with a local variety troupe as a singer and emcee, and gets to spread his wings as an actor, comedian, and dancer. Being on stage is like a second home to him. Winston is a huge fan of all things nerdy and geeky in entertainment from books, to movies to video games. Many wonderful humans, both those gained by blood or gained by association, have called him Dad, as well as multiple dogs, cats, rabbits and other furry and feathery creatures.
“We all change, when you think about it. We’re all different people all through our lives. And that’s OK, that’s good, you gotta keep moving, so long as you remember all the people that you used to be.”