Kelly Manlove, Ed.D.
Chief Operations Officer

- Graduate from Arlington Lamar High School, Arlington, TX
- BS in Kinesiology from Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, TX
- M.Ed. in Educational Administration from University of North Texas, Denton, TX
- Ed.D. in Educational Leadership from Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, TX
Dr. Kelly Manlove joined the EAI family in June 2019 and is currently serving as our Chief Operations Officer. Kelly brings 24 years of public education experience including roles in teaching, coaching, athletic administration, every grade level of administration with an emphasis on the high school principalship. As a self-proclaimed lover of master schedule building, Kelly worked with the Cardonex Sales Team prior to serving as EAI’s COO.
Why Education Advanced?
"As a dedicated life-long educator, my transition to EAI has been seamless. While only serving a single campus or district in previous years, I now have the opportunity to positively impact thousands of administrators and millions of students each day."
Outside of Work
Kelly is the parent of two adult children. Her daughter is a recent college graduate and her son is a junior in college. Kelly enjoys an active lifestyle and spending as much time outside as possible. While residing on the coast, weekends and evenings consist of time with friends and family at the beach, at the gym, at a game or trying a new adventure.
"A leader sees greatness in other people. You can’t be much of a leader if all you see is yourself."