Brent Reid, MS

Vice President of Sales


  • Graduate from JJ Pearce High School, Richardson, TX
  • BA in Mathematics from University of Texas - Tyler, Tyler, TX
  • MS in Educational Leadership from University of Texas - Tyler, Tyler TX


Brent Reid joined the EAI family in May 2019 and is currently serving as Regional Vice President of Cardonex Sales. Brent brings 8 years of experience as an educator as well as 2 additional years working in the K-12 ed-tech market. Brent's primary goal is to positively impact and influence as many educators and stakeholders as possible while enjoying his life's work to the fullest.

Why Education Advanced?

"I couldn't be happier to be in a role that provides an opportunity to affect large groups of educators and students positively."

Outside of Work

Brent enjoys spending time with his wife and 3 dogs. His one true passion is golf, but you will often find he and his wife on the lake or at the pool.

"Dollar bills..."

Roy McAvoy

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