TestHound Announces Enhancements for 2020-2021 School Year
As the 2020-2021 school year begins, we want to ensure our clients get off on the right foot with TestHound. Full access to the 2020-2021 school year, including all state testadministrations for the year, is now available. The TestHound team has been hard at work preparing for the upcoming year through development tasks to ensure that districts and schools have the tools needed to schedule tests for the upcoming year. Below is a list of enhancements separated by function and role, as well as district versus school level, for our newest test scheduling interface.
Multi-Session Scheduling
- Allows for a more efficient method of coordinating student testing across a large testing window
- Allows rooms and test administrators to be used across multiple days (and tests, if needed, for consolidation purposes)
- More coming soon!
Auto Pilot
District Level Auto Pilot
- New Auto Pilot search field provides the ability to search within a map for an accommodation
- Date of the last published AP data for district users now displayed in AP table
- Auto Pilot alert notification allows district users to elect to receive an email each time items need to be mapped in AP
- New functionality to export a list of all accommodations associated within the district into Excel
Campus Level Auto Pilot
- Auto Pilot alert for campus level now displays the number of Auto Pilot alerts to approve
- "Exited Student Alert" changed to "Removed from AP"
- Accommodations associated with a student will be removed upon approval and confirmation of "Removed from AP"
- Added ability to print the "Removed from AP" list
- Icon now displayed to alert campus users when mapping errors are present
- Campus Alert Mapping Error now replicates error icon on map name within campus Auto Pilot alert to indicate map(s) that have errors
- Added next option navigation to allow user to proceed to next student with pending alerts
- Added new test version called "Spanish Online" which allows pre-code file to populate the Online field as well as the Spanish Language Version field (currently available in TX)
Performance Tracker (currently available in TX)
Exclusion Upload/Download
- Added additional exclusions: STAAR ALT 2 (ALT2) and a COVID Waiver (WVR20)
- Created ability to upload multiple exclusions at the district and campus level
- New visible table when exclusion files is processed that identifies valid, failed, and duplicate records
Pre-code File Updates
- Created a layout for users to generate the Interim Assessment 3-8 file and Interim Assessment EOC
New "Trainee" Role
- Created new user access training which allows new users to be assigned to Trainee Role and directed to video-based training.
- Ability for DTC to assign users to Trainee Role
- Ability for DTC to track progress of users completing the trainee videos
- Updated Master Accommodations Report to allow Test Administration to determine included accommodations and test versions
- Added a signature line to the Master Accommodations Report
As always, and even more so given the current circumstances, we are here to make your TestHound journey a success! We thank you for being a part of the TestHound family and look forward to working with you this year!
- The TestHound Team