New TestHound Tools to Support Beginning-of-Year and Interim Assessments

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Change has become a common theme among state assessments over the past three years. The Texas Education Agency has provided educators with some powerful tools to help identify “learning gaps” and gauge students’ projected performance on state assessments. The TestHound team has responded to these changes to assist campuses and districts in registering students for assessments and assisting in uploads for identifying and managing student accommodations.

New TestHound Tools

The BOY (Beginning-of-Year) Assessments are designed to help educators diagnose the students’ understanding of the TEKS from the previous school year. Many districts are using the BOY assessments to help identify students’ learning gaps while addressing the requirements of HB 4545. Find more information on BOY assessments here.

TestHound now has these built-in tools to support your BOY assessments:

  • For districts with the Performance Tracker Toolkit, a new test registration file has been provided to support BOY assessments.  
  • A Test Attributes report is available to be uploaded by the district or campus directly into Cambium’s Test Information and Distribution Engine (TIDE). This report will turn on/off the designated accommodations for each student.
  • A supplemental report called BOY EOC Eligibility can now be found at the district and campus level. This report can also be uploaded directly into TIDE and will register EOC students for the appropriate test.

The Interim Assessment tools can be administered several times throughout the year. These assessments are designed to give educators a way to measure student performance against grade level standards. Find more information on interim assessments here.  

TestHound has these newly designed tools to support your interim assessments:

  • For districts with the Performance Tracker Toolkit, a new test registration file has been provided to support interim assessments.  
  • A Test Attributes report is available to be uploaded by the district or campus directly into Cambium’s Test Information and Distribution Engine (TIDE). This report will turn on/off the designated accommodations for each student.
  • A supplemental report called Interim Off Grade Level can now be found at the district and campus level. This report can also be uploaded directly into TIDE and will register students into the correct course (Algebra I, English I, Biology, English II, U.S. History), as well as identify and register students into the appropriate grade level assessments.

About TestHound

Test Hound is a comprehensive K-12 assessment coordination software and the only test enablement solution that integrates data from disparate systems into a single platform. By utilizing efficiencies provided through the platform, tasks that take several days to accomplish using alternative methods can be completed in a matter of hours. Click here to schedule a call with one of our assessment experts.

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