Curriculum Mapping Software: Top Five Advantages Of Automating the Process

Curriculum mapping software helps districts and schools plan and implement their curriculum. Some schools use these automated systems to handle brainstorming, producing, integrating, and delivering the curriculum content.

Technology has simplified the process of curriculum design significantly, saving time and improving accuracy. Today, teachers are more likely to use spreadsheets, software applications, and specialized online curriculum services to manage this important planning phase, which makes it considerably easier and limits the likelihood of human error throughout the process.

What Makes Up An Effective Curriculum?

When districts or schools build, design, or purchase a curriculum, they need to ensure that what students are taught corresponds to the academic requirements for each subject area or grade level.

A well-designed curriculum is:

  • Organized and designed to make learning more effective
  • Devoid of intellectual gaps or unnecessary repetition
  • Properly aligned within all standards, learning targets, lessons, courses, topic areas, and grade levels
  • Accurate and easy to follow
  • Established with definite, quantitative, and easily identifiable learning outcomes

While strategies used to map a curriculum may differ from region to region, place to place, or even teacher to teacher, the above objectives should be the guiding force influencing its development.

What Does Curriculum Mapping Involve?

Although a single school may build individual curriculum maps for the content areas and grade levels they offer, curriculum mapping is typically most successful when done as a system-wide approach. This approach to organizing curriculum should include coordination among all curriculum contributors and administrators, regardless of discipline or grade level. Dr. Heidi Hayes Jacobs’ curriculum mapping approach tackles the need to integrate diverse models and establish a framework that emphasizes the guidelines, necessities, and desires that influence students’ learning and teaching settings.Curriculum mapping attempts to fulfill four objectives:

  • Vertical Coherence: When a curriculum is vertically aligned or cohesive, it means that what students are learning in one lesson, class, or grade level equips them for the following lesson, topic, or course. Additionally, learning goals are appropriately scaffolded to bring in prior knowledge and/or skills in order to build learning at an appropriate pace within a content area or grade level. Vertical alignment means that the educational process flows smoothly from grade to grade without conflict.  
  • Horizontal Coherence: This term means ensuring that each grade-specific class provides the same educational experience, regardless of which teacher is presenting the information. For example, what students learn in one eighth-grade science course from teacher A should be exactly the same as that of students in the same course taught by Teacher B.  
  • Subject-area Coherence: When a curriculum is cohesive within a subject area, like mathematics, physics, or geography, the material transitions smoothly within each grade level (horizontal alignment) and from grade to grade (vertical alignment).
  • Interdisciplinary Coherence: A curriculum that is cohesive across many subject areas, such as mathematics, economics, and literature, can be aligned both in and throughout grade levels. This often means making links and connections within disciplines to demonstrate how each subject does not exist in isolation.

The Need for Curriculum Mapping Software

As education has become increasingly standards-based to comply with national and state standards, the necessity for efficient curriculum mapping has increased.

Traditionally, much of the curriculum material is prepared in isolation, often by individual departments or teachers working on specific grade levels or content areas. Grade-level alignment and scaffolding must occur during common planning period time, while vertical alignment may only occur during scheduled district meetings. This can make it difficult to ensure that students are not subject to content or skill gaps.  

As curriculum mapping outlines connections between all disciplines, it is important to demonstrate to students that the disciplines do not exist in isolation. Curriculum mapping software can help bridge the gap between departments and grade levels, creating a shared outline of how all subjects and topics are intertwined on a larger scale.

This not only streamlines and simplifies the process, but also allows a better organizational scheme, facilitating better communication while promoting student learning and growth by aiding a seamless flow throughout the entire process. In addition, it bolsters learning goals and targets through interdisciplinary connections.

The Top Five Advantages of Curriculum Mapping Software

There are a wide variety of ways to use mapping software to improve all aspects of the curriculum design process. Here are the top five reasons why school districts make use of these useful programs.

Curriculum mapping software:

1. Is Easy to Use and Affordable

The curriculum mapping system provides a simple, intuitive, and cost-effective option for districts. Schools can streamline and clarify curriculum processes to make teachers more successful by reducing the time spent with manual systems.

2. Enhances Learning and Instruction

Teachers may add documents, files, and photos to their curriculum maps, and students can view those documents with role-based authorization. Implemented on a district-wide level, it also serves as a great way to consolidate curriculum mapping and content alignment in a way that promotes efficiency and student growth.

3. Provides Transparency

More and more school districts make their curriculum maps publicly available so parents and other interested parties can see the quality of their educational planning. Some software provides the ability to link specific lesson plans to the curriculum map, along with course and overall plan objectives.

4. Allows a Curriculum to Evolve

As a powerful database, curriculum mapping software provides the ability for teachers to test the curriculum plan throughout the year and modify the curriculum on the fly as they collect first-hand data as to how well the plan is performing. The program makes it easy to tweak timetables, swap content around, or make other changes as teachers evaluate the quality of their map.

5. Offers Exceptional Safety and Security

Data security intrusions can be a major concern, but most curriculum software provides high levels of security, reliability, and confidentiality. Role-based authentication allows qualified students to securely view information while also preventing unauthorized users from gaining access to the system.    

Other Benefits

There are several other benefits to using software to regulate curriculum mapping. Automating the process:

  • Helps teachers and administrators concentrate on the curriculum balance and scaffolding throughout content areas and grade levels.
  • Provides teachers and staff a visual map of what students learn in each classroom to avoid repetition or gaps in skills and course content
  • Facilitates communication as it enables teachers to evaluate or explain instructions that they or others have already implemented
  • Instigates the evolution process by allowing teachers to monitor and adjust curriculum based on collected data
  • Saves an extraordinary amount of time by simplifying and automating the mapping process, which allows teachers to focus on other important aspects of student education

The Bottom Line

Curriculum mapping is an analytical process that assists teachers in focusing on the balance among content across curricula. It also helps the teachers evaluate the success of their teaching strategies, and measure the value of formative assessments.

The majority of curricular maps are graphical representations of a database or matrices. It's important to remember that these mappings are never considered "perfect." They are works-in-progress, but their ultimate goal is to improve student learning and content quality across the board.

To maximize the effectiveness of a curriculum and curricular map, teachers should regularly analyze and update the structure and contents of the map, including any relevant data and educational experiences housed within.

Curriculum mapping software provides an easy and effective way to design, monitor, and adjust curriculum plans to ensure they are as effective as possible while saving an enormous amount of time.

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Lisa Tunnell, M.Ed.