Education Advanced Welcomes New Chief Financial Officer

TYLER, TX – Education Advanced Inc., a leading provider of operations management and workflow solutions for K-12 school districts, announced today that Stu Lucko, a seasoned financial executive, has joined the company's leadership team as Chief Financial Officer.

“One of my core values is helping people learn and improve,” said Lucko. “I am thrilled to leverage my experience and expertise to help Education Advanced be more successful so we can drive the business forward and empower more educators across the nation.”

Lucko comes to Education Advanced with over 20 years of business and financial experience in the technology and software industries. Before joining Education Advanced, Lucko served as the Chief Financial Officer for leading software companies including Jabber, Envysion,, Alchemer (formerly SurveyGizmo) and most recently ThinkTank.

“We are thrilled to welcome Stu to EAI where he is already making an impact on our business operations,” said Education Advanced CEO Dr. Eli Crow. “Stu's impressive background in business and accounting and his passion for advancing the future of K12 education make him a great fit for Education Advanced as we continue momentous growth.”

About Education Advanced, Inc.

Education Advanced is a provider of operations management and workflow solutions for K-12 school districts that enable educators to be more efficient, allowing them to dedicate more of their time and resources to exceeding student needs. EAI’s product offering includes Cardonex, TestHound, and Embarc (formerly BYOC). These award-winning and patented technology solutions advance the efficacy of master scheduling, staff planning, curriculum development and delivery, and assessment coordination for K-12 school districts across the country.

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