I'm a New Test Coordinator, Now What?!

Feeling overwhelmed as a new test coordinator? You're not alone! In our recent webinar, "I'm a New Test Coordinator, Now What?!", Clint Shuman, Director of Assessment at Round Rock ISD, shared invaluable insights and practical tips to help you navigate your first testing season. Let's dive into some key takeaways from the webinar:

Surviving Your First Testing Season

Q: What are the most important things to consider when preparing for your first testing season?

Clint Shuman: First, know where you'll be testing. Get a map, ensure all rooms are in TestHound, and know your testing staff. Second, decide how you'll organize students, both generally and those with accommodations. Lastly, have a plan for absent students - TestHound makes make-up day planning easy, but you need a process.

Q: How can new test coordinators stay organized and focused amidst the chaos of testing season?

Clint Shuman: Block off dedicated work time each week. Use it to clear TestHound alerts, plan for new students, and have a daily focus. If possible, find a quiet space away from interruptions. For DTCs, consider providing a dedicated workspace for your CTCs to escape the daily hustle and bustle.

Q: What's the value of conducting mock tests?

Clint Shuman: TestHound's 'mock testing' format is a great way to practice setup, identify potential issues, and familiarize teachers with testing procedures. This allows you to work out the kinks, ensure everything functions correctly, and give teachers a chance to see and understand the paperwork in a less stressful environment. If your mock test goes well, use the 'copy to' feature to replicate the setup for the actual test day, saving you time and effort.

3 Things Every New Test Coordinator Needs to Know

Q: What are three essential things every new test coordinator should know?

Clint Shuman:

  1. Leverage the scheduling features inside of TestHound. If your campus loads by scheduling course, add students to rooms by homeroom or class period. It's a huge time-saver!
  1. Manage above-grade-level testers. Use the 'add and remove by course' feature to ensure these students are in the correct tests.
  1. Utilize TestHound’s 'copy to' function. Once you've created a test that works, copy it to other subjects or testing windows to minimize setup.

Q: Can you elaborate on how to use TestHound's 'add and remove by course' feature for above-grade-level testers?

Clint Shuman: Let's say you have 8th graders taking the Algebra 1 EOC. Add all 8th graders to the test, then remove those enrolled in Algebra 1. This ensures you don't miss any 8th graders while accurately placing those in the higher-level course.

Q: Any other TestHound features that new coordinators should be aware of?

Clint Shuman: Absolutely! TestHound's reports are incredibly helpful. You can generate rosters, material control forms, attendance reports, wall rosters, master accommodation lists, and more. Just remember, students need to be added to the test in TestHound before these reports will accurately reflect their information.

The Power of Community

Q: How important is it for new test coordinators to connect with their peers and build a support network?

Clint Shuman: Community is crucial. Get to know other test coordinators at training, create a chat group for questions, and don't hesitate to ask even 'silly' questions. Reach out to other districts and TestHound for support. Also, consider joining your state's testing organization.

Q: What advice do you have for district test coordinators (DTCs) in supporting their campus test coordinators (CTCs)?

Clint Shuman: DTCs should foster a collaborative environment where CTCs feel comfortable asking questions. Provide opportunities for CTCs to connect and learn from each other. Also, consider offering a dedicated workspace where CTCs can focus without interruptions.


Starting a new role as a test coordinator can be daunting, but with the right tools, strategies, and support, you can successfully navigate your first testing season. Remember to leverage TestHound's features, build a strong community, and don't be afraid to ask for help. As Clint Shuman wisely stated, "We're all in this together!"

About TestHound

TestHound is a comprehensive K-12 assessment operations solution that centralizes student data from disconnected systems into a single platform for efficient test coordination. With TestHound, you can plan and coordinate all your state and local K-12 school assessments while keeping track of student accommodations, student testing history, and more.

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Max Gregory, MS
Lara Miller, MA