New Strategic Focus for Education Advanced

Over the past 17 years, Education Advanced, Inc. has grown from a company with one product serving a niche market in Texas to a nationally recognized leader in education technology, serving over 7 million students across the nation.

As I reflect on this journey, I want to express my gratitude to our customers, partners, and employees who have helped us shape the future for students and educators alike through our software. What a journey it has been!

Our growth has resulted in the need to take a more specialized approach to how we build solutions for schools. After careful consideration and strategic planning, we have decided to split our company into two separate entities so we may better focus on individual products.

While the original company, Education Advanced, Inc., will continue to serve educators with its suite of products, including TestHound, Pathways, Evaluation, and Embarc, the new spinoff company will focus solely on Cardonex. This strategic move will allow us to focus our efforts and resources, innovate more rapidly, and deliver even greater value.

As part of this strategic split, I have transitioned from my role as founding CEO of Education Advanced, Inc. to become the CEO of Cardonex, Inc.; however, I will continue to provide strategic guidance and support as a board member for Education Advanced, Inc. I am still wholly committed to the continued success and growth of Education Advanced, Inc.

I am also excited to introduce the new CEO of Education Advanced, Inc., Krista Endsley, a highly accomplished executive and experienced edtech veteran. Krista’s deep understanding of the industry, along with her extensive experience leading and scaling organizations, makes her the ideal leader to help Education Advanced, Inc. continue to provide unparalleled solutions and support to the education community.

"I am thrilled to join the Education Advanced, Inc. team and build upon the incredible foundation that has already been established,” said Krista Endsley, CEO of Education Advanced, Inc. "I am honored to lead this exceptional team through the next phase of our company’s journey. Together, we will continue to innovate and deliver solutions that drive meaningful outcomes for students and schools nationwide."

Building and growing Education Advanced, Inc. has been an honor and a privilege, and I am filled with hope and excitement for the future. Together, we have achieved remarkable milestones – a testament to what can be achieved when passion meets purpose. Here's to the next chapter, filled with boundless possibilities and continued success for the students and schools we serve.

With heartfelt appreciation and warmest regards,

Eli Crow, Ph.D.Founding CEO, Education Advanced, Inc.


Why is the company splitting?

Our growth has resulted in the need to take a more specialized approach to how we build solutions for your students and schools. The company is splitting into two separate legal and operating entities so we may better focus on individual products.

What will the new company be called?

The new company will be called Cardonex, Inc.

Where will the new company be based?

Both companies will be based in Tyler, Texas.

Who will lead the two companies?

Education Advanced, Inc. will be led by new CEO, Krista Endsley. Dr. Eli Crow will serve as CEO of Cardonex, Inc.

What is Dr. Eli Crow's involvement moving forward with Education Advanced, Inc.?

Dr. Eli Crow will continue to serve on the board of directors of Education Advanced, Inc.

Are the two companies affiliates or subsidiaries of one another?

No, the two companies are completely separate legal entities and will operate as independent companies.

Will the product names change?

No. The product names will remain the same.

Will pricing in my current contract change?

No. There will be no pricing changes at this time.

What will happen to the multi-year contract I have?

Your current contract remains in effect and the terms will not change. Your Cardonex, Inc. contract will be serviced by Cardonex, Inc. and Education Advanced, Inc. will service all other contracts.

Will I still have access to the same support and staff at Education Advanced, Inc.?

Although, some roles may change during this transition, you will still have access to the same quality level of support you have always received.

Will the integration with our student information system change?

How data is pulled from your student information system will not immediately change.

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J. Eli Crow, Ph.D.