Graduation Pathways FAQ
Indiana school advisors, administrators, counselors, and principals all have the important task of tracking graduation pathways for their students. In fact, the Indiana State Department of Education, as well as many other states, have recently made changes on how schools are required to track Graduation Pathways.
Due to these new state requirements, savvy school administrators and leaders are using the new, state-of-the-art technology from Education Advanced - Graduation Pathways - to assist them with this important task. Here are some important FAQs about the new Graduation Pathways tracking requirements from the Indiana State Board of Education and the changes required to effectively track the progress of the students in your Indiana school.

What is the Purpose of Graduation Pathways?
Indiana Graduation Pathways were created to ensure that each student is introduced to a variety of career options, along with academic and technical classes that give them the employability skills needed to lead to job opportunities.
When Do New Graduation Pathways Requirements Begin?
The Indiana Graduation Pathways requirements will start with freshmen who attended their first year of high school in 2019-20. Effective with the class of 2023, Indiana high school students must pass the new requirements to earn a high school diploma, demonstrate acquired employability skills, and show postsecondary-ready competencies to graduate.
Can Graduates Prior to 2023 Use the Graduation Pathways Program?
Yes, Indiana students can choose to opt-in to use a Graduation Pathway instead of a graduation qualifying exam like ISTEP 10.
What Are the New Indiana High School Graduation Requirements?
The Diploma and Curricular requirements in Indiana include General designation, Core 40 designation, Academic Honors designation, or Technical Honors designation.
What is the Status of the Waiver for the Diploma?
The Indiana legislature defined a waiver for Graduation Pathways in statute.
Where Can Indiana’s Employability Skills be Accessed?
You can access Indiana’s employability skills which were created by the Department of Workforce Development here.
How Do Indiana Educators Track Student Progress?
Made specially to help schools track and report student Graduation Pathways, the software allows advisors, administrators, counselors, and principals to quickly and efficiently create, track, customize, and analyze the pathways to help students earn their diploma and improve their employability skills to be an integral part of the workforce of the future.
Benefits of Graduation Pathways Software:
- User-friendly and easy to learn
- Flexible with the ability to customize for your needs
- Ability to track CTE Concentrator status and Next Level Programs of Study
- Track waiver criteria
- Record and track student progress with all of your data in one place
- Efficiently enter employability skills and upload supporting documents
- Calculate GPA
- Track locally created Graduation Pathways
Are You Ready to Try the Best Graduation Pathways Software to Increase Your Efficiency?
We invite you to speak to one of our former educators to see how you can customize Standard for Success Graduation Pathways Software to help you more efficiently track Graduation Pathways at your Indiana School. Contact us today to request a demo to learn more!