Trusted by 1,000+ Districts Across the United States

  • Ann Arbor Public Schools, MI

  • Austin Independent School District, TX

  • El Paso Independent School District, TX

  • Fort Worth Independent School District, TX

  • Indianapolis Public Schools, IN

  • Memphis-Shelby County Schools, TN

  • Mount Diablo Unified School District, CA

  • San Antonio Independent School District, TX

District Success Stories

Serving over 7 million students and nearly 1 million educators nationwide


What Some of Our Clients Are Saying

"The fact that we now have a checklist that our staff can access takes a lot of fear out of the evaluation process and reassures them that evaluations are done for professional growth. That's the best outcome of having a system like this for us."

Gabriella Stetz Jackson
Director of Professional Learning , Illinois

"We are all blown away and excited! Pathways will revolutionize school counseling and save us countless hours from not having to manually audit transcripts and check in multiple places/spreadsheets for data!"

Ericka Echelbarger
Director of Student Services , Indiana

"The process that TestHound created saved our district hours upon hours of work. I would make budget cuts elsewhere to keep TestHound in my district. It frees up our testing coordinators so their time can be spent on what matters most, our students."

Christina Trotter
Director of Student Assessment , Texas

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